$SARCO Community August 2023 Update

August Recap of What is Happening in the Sarcophagus World!!!

Miguel Saldana
4 min readSep 5, 2023

Moving into August, lots of happenings still going on with Sarcophagus. Following the launch onto mainnet last month, the team has made an appearance at the RareEVO conference in Denver this month as well as a lot of work doing some internal restructuring and objective planning for the 2nd half of this year. With the large parts of development for v2 of the protocol behind us, two main items still are on the horizon, further introducing enhancements to the technical product and on the UI/UX side as well as efforts on business development are ramping up. Lastly, we are focusing our attention on deploying the Sarcophagus protocol to L2’s with the first L2 that the team is targeting is Polygon.

DAO Proposals for August

  • Proposal #43 Passed — Continued funding for the partnership of Decent DAO for building out Sarcophagus and its ecosystem including — SDK Integration + Improvements, Documentation Updates, Technical Support, an ETH→SARCO auto-swapper, and several other items. This vote will fund 216,000 DAI for 6 months of operations. Proposal Link
  • Proposal #44 Passed — The second DAO Vote is to continue funding operations of the Payroll subDAO . This vote will fund 130,000 USDC to the payroll subDAO for another quarter of operations. This subDAO has been a valuable support for overall community and DAO operations! Payroll subDAO Safe Address: 0x7862a4314508a9De68FC5e71876D46a1bf4AE032

Sarcophagus @ RareEVO

The Sarcophagus team was live and in person at the recent RareEVO conference, a multi-chain blockchain conference set in Denver, CO. The team was fortunate to have a booth and host a workshop to walkthrough the tool, and discuss with potential end users and other projects about partnership along the way. It was a great experience to develop some face-to-face time with potential users as we educated them about the use cases of Sarcophagus and why decentralization is critical as a safeguard for sending digital data. There was also interest from other chains to migrate the project outside of EVM-compatible chains, which is always flattering for a project. The team (myself included) was loaded with swag and demos to walk through the project throughout the conference weekend.

L2’s On The Horizon

We’ve heard the community and the overwhelming comment we received during testnet and since moving to mainnet, being ‘Wen L2?’. The team can confidently say that the feedback didn’t fall on deaf ears and that we are actively working on how to deploy the entire protocol onto Polygon, our first targeted L2 to deploy to. This should help massively with tx fees and help with scaling to additional markets outside of ETH L1 mainnet. The team is aiming for deployment in the next month or so, but pay attention to an official announcement via Sarcophagus social media channels on when it will go live.

Team Restructuring for Sarcophagus

This month the team will finalize and restructure the way all core contributors are placed within the organization. The org chart for the team is almost finalized, but the biggest difference will be the merging of the Growth subDAO with the Ambassadors subDAO. This move is largely done to help minimize some of the administrative overhead needed to manage two separate teams, that largely work together as is. In addition, the restructuring will come with more defined leadership with senior members helping to provide guidance to newer or less senior members as we all work on various projects to support Sarcophagus. Lastly, defined OKRs or Objective Key Results will be made for everyone on the team to help keep everyone accountable for the work they provide to the project and ensure that it aligns with the mission and goal of Sarcophagus.

Community Numbers

We Need You!

As the project grows we are looking for people to help step up and contribute to the project via various means. Reach out with skills and/or previous work to anyone in the Discord marked with an Ambassador role to help get you lined up. We are especially looking at members who come from international communities to help support the growing influx of new users!

Wrap Up

Join in on the conversation, and help us build and continue to develop solutions to enable decentralization, freedom, and privacy.

Get Involved:

Sarcophagus Discord Server

Sarcophagus Documentation

Sarcophagus Telegram

Sarcophagus Dune Dashboard

Sarcophagus Chinese Telegram

Official Sarcophagus Twitter Account



Miguel Saldana

Engineer trying to implement technology for a positive impact