$SARCO Community July 2023 Update

July Recap of What is Happening in the Sarcophagus World!!!

Miguel Saldana
Sarcophagus Community
4 min readAug 1, 2023


The summer months of 2023 are in full swing and Sarcophagus is laying the ground roots for activities, plans, and bounties to help bring new users and demonstrate to the world what a decentralized, dead man’s switch can do. v2 of the Sarcophagus was soft launched with smart contracts for the protocol deployed to the Ethereum mainnet last month. The team is putting together some exciting plans and opportunities for people to contribute via bounties to help grow the utility of the project.

No DAO Proposals for July

  • No proposals or votes were initiated/executed in the month of July

New Look, Same Project

If you’ve been around the project, you may have noticed that the website was recently updated and a lot of the imagery around the project has a new feel and vibe. A couple of drivers behind the change are to make the project more accessible and appealing to anyone and to create a simple, minimalistic feel. We want the tech behind Sarcophagus to speak for itself.

Some obvious changes are additional colors added to our design palette as well as a softer and very recognizable font, Helvetica. The biggest change might not be in what you see but in what you hear as the project will start to use more frequently technical terms that the industry uses in tandem with the jargon Sarcophagus has used. Things like embalmer and archaeologist will still maintain those names but will be interchangeably used with the more common terms like end user and node operator, respectively. Let us know what you think of the changes!

Be on the lookout for a more comprehensive article from our Design Team on the changes!

Sarcophagus @RareEVO 2023

Sarcophagus was invited to participate in and host a workshop at the rareEVO conference in August in Denver, Colorado. This is a multi-chain conference and is back with the second edition of the conference. The team has been putting together some marketing material to host a booth as well as informational/instructional content for the workshop. The goal, as with most blockchain conferences, is to get face-to-face with potential users and demonstrate how Sarcophagus can truly safeguard digital data via a dead man’s switch.

Building on Sarcophagus

As mentioned in the last month’s update, the SDK has been published and made available in a repo on the Sarcophagus project’s GitHub page. We invite anyone to look, play, and build utilizing it to find interesting and unique ways that a decentralized, dead man’s switch can strengthen any project. The SDK is designed as a Typescript library and enables a user to interact with the Sarcophagus v2 protocol.

Key highlights of the SDK are that it provides an easy-to-use interface, supports custom signer and provider configurations as well as offers utility-based functions for common tasks that an end user would need.

Any other builders out there, give it a look and see how it could be integrated to make your product more feature rich.

Community Numbers

We Need You!

As the project grows we are looking for people to help step up and contribute to the project via various means. Reach out with skills and/or previous work to anyone in the Discord marked with an Ambassador role to help get you lined up. We are especially looking at members who come from international communities to help support the growing influx of new users!

Wrap Up

Join in on the conversation, and help us build and continue to develop solutions to enable decentralization, freedom, and privacy.

Get Involved:

Sarcophagus Discord Server

Sarcophagus Documentation

Sarcophagus Telegram

Sarcophagus Dune Dashboard

Sarcophagus Chinese Telegram

Official Sarcophagus Twitter Account



Miguel Saldana
Sarcophagus Community

Engineer trying to implement technology for a positive impact